
Paddy Rietveld at Cape Royds
9 July 2024

Antarctic chef on the challenges of cooking on ice

Keeping a heater in the fridge to keep the temperature up is just one of the realities for a chef in the extreme conditions of Antarctica. Paddy Rietveld who has that job is responsible for food preparation for our workforce at S… Read More

2023 ANZAC Day ceremony
25 April 2024

Scott Base - southernmost ANZAC service

Radio NZ checks in with the southernmost ANZAC Day service taking place in Antarctica at Scott Base. Read More

Sea ice
9 April 2024

Antarctica's sea ice hit another low this year

The Conversation - At the end of the southern summer, Antarctica’s sea ice hit its annual minimum. By at least one measure, which tracks the area of ocean that contains at least 15% of sea ice, it was a little above the record lo… Read More

2024 01 LAURA BASSI cornellisen 03 - Drygalsky Ice Tongue and sea ice - Ross Sea Voyage 2024
21 March 2024

Podcast: The sea ice factories of Antarctica

Radio New Zealand's The Detail - If you want to study the health of the world's oceans, you need to get to their heartbeat. That's deep in the Ross Sea, where the sea ice factories of Antarctica - or polynyas - live. Read More

2024 01 LAURA BASSI cornellisen 07
20 March 2024

United Nations 'Red Alert'

Newshub - Every major global climate record was broken last year, says the World Meteorological Organization's annual State of the Global Climate report. Antarctic sea ice shrank by an area roughly the size of Egypt. Read More

RV Laura Bassi Ross Sea Voyage Photo by Lana Young
2 March 2024

Worryingly fast Antarctic ice melt

Scientists returning from a voyage into Antarctic waters say they found worrying evidence about how much ice has melted and how quickly. The ice-breaking ship the RV (Research Vessel) Laura Bassi returned to New Zealand waters on… Read More
