Scott Base's weather recorder

Webcams & Weather

Webcam update

Unfortunately our main Scott Base and Hillary Field Centre webcams were damaged by static electricity on 6 June 2024 and are no longer working. These will be replaced in summer. The Arrival Heights and Windfarm webcams are both working as they should.

25 CHP Antarctica IM66

Scott Base weather facts


  • Mean wind speed 19.1 km/h
  • Max wind speed 177.8km/h
  • Dominant wind direction: NE


  • Mean annual temp: -19.8⁰C
  • Mean temp in February: -11.3⁰C
  • Mean temp in July: -29.0⁰C
  • Lowest recorded temperature at Scott Base: -57.0⁰C (25 September 1968)
  • Warmest recorded temperature at Scott Base: 6.8⁰C (08 January 1970)

A computer at Scott Base running Weather-Display software interrogates the Scott Base NIWA weather station and publishes this data to the two locations below:

Weather Underground
Antarctica NZ Weather Display page

This near real time information shown is indicative only and those seeking official weather records should refer to NIWA’s National Climate Database here.