Natural Physical World

Watch: 10 highlights from a trip to Antarctica

Out There Learning

From science and fieldcamps to Scott Base and wildlife, watch Julian Thomson point out 10 highlights of his trip to Antarctica.

The mysterious world of Antarctic bacteria

Out There Learning

A team from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington is researching bugs in the McMurdo Sound sea ice to see how they respond to variations in light at different depths.

Life as a scientist on the ice!


NIWA oceanographer Dr Natalie Robinson gives a glimpse into life as a scientist on the ice, from the many layers of warm clothes and nifty equipment she uses to the curious locals.

Science on Ice - Episode 2

Whitebait Media

Sonny catches a helicopter to meet some of Antarctica's adelie and emperor penguins, tries out a loo with a view and helps the scientists by collecting some penguin poo.